An Update on Hypertension Treatment


Dr PK Biswas, Kolkata    06 January 2018

  1. In India, high BP has emerged as a leading risk factor for mortality.1
  2. It is predicted that the burden of HT in India is expected to almost double from 118 million in 2000 to 213.5 million by 2025.2
  3. The 2017 clinical practice guidelines on HT recommend nonpharmacological interventions as the treatment of choice for adults with stage 1 hypertension but otherwise at low risk of ASCVD.3
  4. Antihypertensive drug therapy along with nonpharmacological therapy is recommended for adults with stage 1 hypertension at a high risk for ASCVD.3
  5. The 2017 treatment guidelines suggest a diuretic, ACEI, ARB or CCB as acceptable first stage agents, but identifies thiazide diuretics and CCBs as good options for monotherapy.3
  6. In spite of various effective treatments of HT being available, novel therapies are required to reduce the elevated BP, improve BP control, treat resistant HT and reduce the associated CV risk factors.
  7. Azilasartan is a new ARB with better clinical BP-lowering effects compared to other ARBs with good tolerance.4

References: 1Roy A, et al. BMJ Open. 2017;7(7):e015639. 2Kearney PM. Lancet. 2005;365(9455):217-23. 3Whelton PK. JAMA. Nov 20 2017. 4Shetty M, et al. Int J Contemp Med Res. 2017;4(6):1262-4.

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